Monday, September 3, 2007


Well right now I'm sitting in class at uni. Alex has told me that he doesn't want me to "emo rant" in this blog as its supposed to be for "School Stuff"... HA!!! Yeah he can dream all he wants. But he got me into this blogging shit, so he can suffer the consequences. I know your reading this Alex!!!

In the excitement that is AIE, today I have started one model, scrapped it, started another, and I am now pretty happy with how its going. I would post a pic but i really cant be fucked, when its done. Maybe.

In other news... wait, news? Since when do I have something interesting to talk about? Now? No, unfortunately nothing interesting has happened to me recently, I didn't see anyone I know on the train this morning so that was pretty boring. Music was good, as always, but the views and smells of the train (and its occupants) was just as boring and uninteresting as always. Nothing funny happed. Sigh.

On a different note. The Doctor Who episode on Saturday night was if i do say so myself, fucking awesome. "The angels have the phone box", brilliant, thats all i can say, brilliant.

Cyaz for now,
Sorry Alex but you got me into this,
More Later


1 comment:

Patrick Black said...

That's ok. It just makes calling you an emo much much more believable LoL *pats shoulder*