Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I hadn't realized how addictive this blogging thing is. Its quite scary actually. I've posted more blogs than the days I've had the blog... EEEEKK

But i guess that it also means that I'm getting better at writing... which is a good thing no matter what anyone says.

I had a request as to something that i can write about. So you can all thank Sara for this. She requested that i talk about my like or dislike of the colour of my underwear. Hrmm, yes she is a strange one. But here we go:

Yellow. Eww. Im not a huge fan of the colour yellow. It looks like urine. Or taxis, well taxi's do smell of urine. Most of the time. They are Rio brand, you know the one's with the add with umm that chick on it... umm, yeh you know the one. She's on TGYH sometimes. Jimeoine is also on the adds. You know what im talking about.... hrm, randomness. Fun. Sometimes yellow can be cool. Like highlighter yellow. YAY FLUORESCENT!!! And highlighters smell good too.

Anyways, i cant think of anything more to say on the colour yellow. or on my undies. So i'll leave it there. (thank-you sara)

Speak soon!

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