Saturday, September 1, 2007

Obligatory First Post

Well... everyone has to post one of these things, so i may as well make it as generic as the generic first post should be. First i blame Alex for the crapness that will be this blog, made me do it *shakes fist in Alex's general direction*. Second, hello to the no-ones that will read this blog and the no-ones who have read this blog "hello to you no-ones!!!". Thirdly, hello to all the midgets that will read this blog, plasket im looking at you!!!.

Work. Wow isn't it amazing how crap working at an electrical store can be? look, I love the people, well most of the people. The work is fine, its just being there that is a bore. Meh I'm really not in the mood to complain, but here i am anyway!!! lol

This really is the most generically boring horrible first blog ever. I would delete it but that would require me to write another one... which would end up being worse than this. Oh well.

As much as i say this i probably wont. But i will try and keep updating this as often as possible. If i have Alex breathing down my neck then i probably will.... he he he

Well thats it for now. Until next time when I'll hopefully have something more interesting to write or to put up or whatever.


1 comment:

Patrick Black said...

Hey... I'm just being proactive. LoL *pats shoulder*