Tuesday, April 8, 2008

New Blog

Okay, well i've been gone for a while now, and the simple reason is because of the fact that i forgot the password to this account :P so i have created a NEW blog here

go to that one, and leave me ALONE!

Monday, September 10, 2007

iPod touch

Well, if anyone hasn't heard apple have announced the new range of iPods. And they are officially awesome. Pics of the whole new range are below. I'll be getting the touch, so will be looking to sell my current 30GB ipod, if your interested in buying gimme a yell.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I've been told I'm funny. How where and.... how? I have never attempted to be funny and I don't intend to be. Strange, somewhere along the way I became comical. When I watch vlogs or read other blogs I have always enjoyed their and had always wanted to be able to be funny. I guess that I have a comical bone somewhere in my sub-conscience.

But as I said. When I began this blog it wasn't to be comical in any way but more as a way to "emo rant" as Alex likes to call it. And to also post some of my uni work, occasionally. Something which I should probably get around to. Meh.

Okay, well thats all for now. Once again, I'll probably post tomorrow or again tonight. This blogging stuff is quite addictive.


I hadn't realized how addictive this blogging thing is. Its quite scary actually. I've posted more blogs than the days I've had the blog... EEEEKK

But i guess that it also means that I'm getting better at writing... which is a good thing no matter what anyone says.

I had a request as to something that i can write about. So you can all thank Sara for this. She requested that i talk about my like or dislike of the colour of my underwear. Hrmm, yes she is a strange one. But here we go:

Yellow. Eww. Im not a huge fan of the colour yellow. It looks like urine. Or taxis, well taxi's do smell of urine. Most of the time. They are Rio brand, you know the one's with the add with umm that chick on it... umm, yeh you know the one. She's on TGYH sometimes. Jimeoine is also on the adds. You know what im talking about.... hrm, randomness. Fun. Sometimes yellow can be cool. Like highlighter yellow. YAY FLUORESCENT!!! And highlighters smell good too.

Anyways, i cant think of anything more to say on the colour yellow. or on my undies. So i'll leave it there. (thank-you sara)

Speak soon!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Everyone gets bored sometimes. I however am the opposite. I am bored all of the time, and am only sometimes not bored. Strange, I know.

Hrmm... I've just realized that by doing little comments like this I will be able to post more frequently, as i wont have to continuously think of a whole thing to write. So expect more random comments like this in the future.

Mighty Moshin Emo Rangers!!!

Okay, I officially love the Emo Rangers. If you havent seen it before check out emorangers.com

Thats all for now. More later

Monday, September 3, 2007


Well right now I'm sitting in class at uni. Alex has told me that he doesn't want me to "emo rant" in this blog as its supposed to be for "School Stuff"... HA!!! Yeah he can dream all he wants. But he got me into this blogging shit, so he can suffer the consequences. I know your reading this Alex!!!

In the excitement that is AIE, today I have started one model, scrapped it, started another, and I am now pretty happy with how its going. I would post a pic but i really cant be fucked, when its done. Maybe.

In other news... wait, news? Since when do I have something interesting to talk about? Now? No, unfortunately nothing interesting has happened to me recently, I didn't see anyone I know on the train this morning so that was pretty boring. Music was good, as always, but the views and smells of the train (and its occupants) was just as boring and uninteresting as always. Nothing funny happed. Sigh.

On a different note. The Doctor Who episode on Saturday night was if i do say so myself, fucking awesome. "The angels have the phone box", brilliant, thats all i can say, brilliant.

Cyaz for now,
Sorry Alex but you got me into this,
More Later


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Fathers Day

Well that time of year has come again. The day we all shower our fathers (or butch lesbian mothers, lol) with gifts. Wonderful. Hope any fathers who read this (doubtful) and any butch lesbian mothers (once again, doubtful) had a great day, got spoilt, or just got drunk and played footy. Either way, hope you all had fun. I'm sure my dad - who spent the day at the car racing - had fun. Cant wait to see his face when he gets home to the new printer we got him (a Canon MP600).

Might Post something else later tonight, if not, catch ya's all later.

Bye for Now, Not for Ever

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Obligatory First Post

Well... everyone has to post one of these things, so i may as well make it as generic as the generic first post should be. First i blame Alex for the crapness that will be this blog, made me do it *shakes fist in Alex's general direction*. Second, hello to the no-ones that will read this blog and the no-ones who have read this blog "hello to you no-ones!!!". Thirdly, hello to all the midgets that will read this blog, plasket im looking at you!!!.

Work. Wow isn't it amazing how crap working at an electrical store can be? look, I love the people, well most of the people. The work is fine, its just being there that is a bore. Meh I'm really not in the mood to complain, but here i am anyway!!! lol

This really is the most generically boring horrible first blog ever. I would delete it but that would require me to write another one... which would end up being worse than this. Oh well.

As much as i say this i probably wont. But i will try and keep updating this as often as possible. If i have Alex breathing down my neck then i probably will.... he he he

Well thats it for now. Until next time when I'll hopefully have something more interesting to write or to put up or whatever.
